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Reason Why You Cry While Cutting Onions

It is well known that when you chop onions, tears roll out. Have you ever wondered why you experience this while cooking?

Blinking or rubbing our eyes makes it even worse. It has happened to all of us. Have you ever thought why?
When you are slicing an onion, you are breaking the cells inside. The cells release their contents which eventually form sulfenic acids. When mixed with enzymes, they produce a gas called propanethiol S-oxide. These gas reaches our eyes and reacts with water to form sulfuric acid. These acid stimulates the eyes' lachrymal glands which end up releasing tears.
There are remedies though to avoid this such as;
·         Wearing goggles while chopping.
·         Chilling the onions before cutting, to around 10-15 minutes.
·         Cutting the onions under or running water.
·         Using a sharp knife while cutting.
·         Cut the onion next to a window, fume hood or open space.
