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10 Amazing Facts About Bananas You Probably Didn't Know.

Bananas have quite a lot of interesting things probably you didn’t know about. Check the following ten facts and you will be amazed.
1)      A piece of banana will float on water, because it’s less dense in comparison.
2)      Bananas are the staple food in Uganda. The average consumption per person per year is roughly 500 pounds (227 kg).
3)      Bananas are rich in potassium which helps the nerves and muscle functioning, this makes them the best pre-work snacks.
4)      Bananas are classified as berries.
5)      You can eat bananas alongside hard snacks, like biscuits.
6)      Bananas form the most common American fruit diet.
7)      They are mood enhancers as they contain tryptophan, amino acids and vitamin B6 that aid the body produce serotonin.
8)      Bananas can assist lower the blood pressure and enhance heart health due to high potassium content.
9)      Bananas can help relieve an inflammation or pain, such that from a mosquito or a bug.
10)  The inside of a banana peel can be used to wipe and polish leather shoes.

Feel free to add up any interesting things you know about bananas in the comment box.


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