Vitamin C in foods can be lost if not well handled. Let’s start by describing what is vitamin C. What is vitamin C? Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is abundant in fruits and vegetables. It is a water soluble vitamin and efficient antioxidant. What are the Benefits? Vitamin C protects one from heart diseases, helps repair damaged tissues, prevents scurvy, support immune system, aids in absorption of iron and reduces the level of LDL (“bad cholesterol”). Research has also proved that vitamin C prevents variety of cancers by scavenging free radicals and assists in neutralizing the effects of nitrites ( has been linked to cause some types of cancer). How to Preserve Vitamin C in Foods 1. Try as much as possible not to expose your fruits and vegetables to direct sunlight for a longtime. 2. Use a stainless steel knife to peel fruits and vegetables. 3. ...