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16 Finest Ways to Preserve Vitamin C in Foods

Vitamin C in foods can be lost if not well handled. Let’s start by describing what is vitamin C. What is vitamin C? Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is abundant in fruits and vegetables. It is a water soluble vitamin and efficient antioxidant. What are the Benefits? Vitamin C protects one from heart diseases, helps repair damaged tissues, prevents scurvy, support immune system, aids in absorption of iron and reduces the level of LDL (“bad cholesterol”). Research has also proved that vitamin C prevents variety of cancers by scavenging free radicals and assists in neutralizing the effects of nitrites ( has been linked to cause some types of cancer). How to Preserve Vitamin C in Foods 1.       Try as much as possible not to expose your fruits and vegetables to direct sunlight for a longtime. 2.       Use a stainless steel knife to peel fruits and vegetables. 3.       ...

8 Reasons Why People are Changing to Organic Food

The demand for organic food is increasingly high as people are switching from synthetic. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines organic agriculture as “ using methods that preserve the environment and avoid most synthetic materials, such as pesticides and antibiotics.”  People are waking up to the call of environment preservation and conservation.    Why is it that majority of people are opting for organic food? 1.       Higher Nutritional Value Local organic food have less retention time between when harvested and at the table. Phytochemicals such as vitamins, antioxidants and minerals are maintained which could have otherwise been reduced during processing. There is neither chemical additive added nor genetic modification done. 2.       Support of Biodiversity According to research, in the 20 th century, 75% of agricultural genetic diversity was lost. Most organic farmers, plant va...

14 Unique Foods to Enhance Your Brain Performance

Your brain requires nutrients just like any other part of the body such as the lungs, heart, and muscle.   Therefore, you need to make an initiative of supplying your grey matter (the term used by some people to refer to the brain) with the right kind of nutrients. There are kinds of food when eaten will automatically enhance your brain performance. Which are these foods?                                               1.       Whole Grains  Your brain needs energy to operate effectively. The ability of a brain to remain focused depends on how steady it’s supplied with energy. The energy comes inform of glucose. This can be achieved by taking whole grains that release glucose slowly into your bloodstream.  You...

6 Amazing Benefits of Eating Enough Fat

The issue surrounding fat has made news since ages. However, one fact remains succinct. Fat is not essentially bad, it is essential to our bodies.  Though too much of something becomes “Poisonous”. Eating enough fat will go in a long way improving your body. What are the benefits of eating enough fat? 1.        Essential For Your Brain Health Brain tissue is made up of approximately 60% fat. Therefore when you deprive yourself 100% of fat, you are actually hindering your brain to function properly. Did you know that vitamins such as A, D, E and K require fat as a medium of transportation? The vitamins are not water soluble and therefore you need enough fat in your body to facilitate absorption. Some Fat is also known to contain omega 3-fatty acids which enhance your cognitive ability and also mood improvement. 2.       Lungs Work Properly Did you know that our lungs are coated with a layer made up o...

4 Healthy Ways to Detox Your Body Naturally

Majority of people are always afraid of the unknown. That bottle of detox doctor gave me, what can be the side effects? The uncertainty of the chemical detox can be far much harmful than your predicament. To avoid being on the fence on such crucial matter, why don’t you try to detox your body naturally? Maybe you decided to use the detox program, but the cost is beyond your current financial scope. Natural body detoxification should be your alternative. Four healthy natural ways to detox your body- You should incorporate them as part of your lifestyle. 1. Drinking Purified Water You are recommended to drink at least 7 glasses of water daily. This is the most natural method of flushing toxins out of your body.  You should make sure that your body is not dehydrated at any one point. Majority of toxins are removed through urination. Therefore, when you drink enough water, much of the toxins will be removed along with the urine.  Drinking plenty of water has also be...

Tips to Losing Your Flabby Belly

Is there a chance of being fit again? Maybe this is your all day question that keeps pestering your mind. All things being constant, every human being has the ability to slim, lose weight, cut off a flabby belly or become muscular. Due to the current trend and much influence from the media, people with fat bellies are losing their self-esteem. Therefore, they are doing everything within their means to lose the floppy fat. There are numerous methods out there all promising to help in reduction of weight and sagging fats. We waste a lot of time trying to implement ineffective methods which end up making us worse and discouraged. If your flabby belly is making you unhappy and uncomfortable, please do something about it. If you want a sleek and flat belly, here are few steps to accomplish that. 1.        Diet Control This does not mean running away from all foods reported as junk all the days of your life. What this means is that yo...

4 Solid Factors to Consider Before Starting An Organic Food Business

Organic foods are becoming very popular nowadays. The term “organic” denotes how agricultural products are grown and processed. In order for products to be labeled “organic” there must be some guidelines and requirements that must be met. Organic crops must be grown in non-contaminated areas and should have no modifications whatsoever. The use of synthetic pesticides, sewage sludge-based fertilizer, petroleum-based fertilizers or bioengineered genes (GMOs) in food crops affects the natural make-up of food. Crops supplied with these materials cannot be termed as “organic”. The field of organic food has grown from a billion-dollar in 1990 to $25 billion-plus in the 21st century, according to Forbes. If you have organic food crops, the market is big and enough to accommodate you. Before venturing into this lucrative business of organic foods, it is worthwhile to have a clear blueprint of what you expect and what needs to be done. Factors to consider befor...