Vitamin C in
foods can be lost if not well handled. Let’s start by describing what is
vitamin C.
What is vitamin C?
Vitamin C,
also known as ascorbic acid, is abundant in fruits and vegetables. It is a
water soluble vitamin and efficient antioxidant.
What are the Benefits?
Vitamin C
protects one from heart diseases, helps repair damaged tissues, prevents
scurvy, support immune system, aids in absorption of iron and reduces the level
of LDL (“bad cholesterol”). Research has also proved that vitamin C prevents
variety of cancers by scavenging free radicals and assists in neutralizing the
effects of nitrites ( has been linked to cause some types of cancer).
How to Preserve Vitamin C in Foods
1. Try as much as possible not to expose
your fruits and vegetables to direct sunlight for a longtime.
2. Use a stainless steel knife to peel
fruits and vegetables.
3. Do not delay to use the peeled fruits
or vegetables-use them immediately!
4. Boil huge chunks of vegetables or use
them whole.
5. After washing your fruits or
vegetables, do not leave them in water. Wipe them with a paper towel.
6. During cooking, place your vegetables
in boiling water instead of cold.
7. While you are cooking, make sure you
use a ladle or a wooden spoon. A metal one acts as catalyst that assists in the
breakdown of vitamins.
8. In the process of cooking, make sure
the vegetables are not exposed to air as oxygen destroys vitamin C. You can achieve
this by covering them with water or rather by using a lid.
9. When boiling or stewing vegetables,
make sure that the distance between the lid and the water surface is small.
Less distance means less oxygen which could oxidize the vitamins.
10. During frying of vegetables, add a
thin layer of oil. This prevents the loss of vitamin C as oxygen cannot have a
direct contact.
11. More heat applied destroys vitamin C,
make sure you serve within an hour after cooking.
12. Store your fruits or vegetable sin a
cool dry place.
13. Salt has been known to preserve C.
When you making salad by cutting your fresh vegetables, put salt immediately to
reserve vitamin C.
14. When boiling, make sure your cooking
liquid is retained for use in soups or stocks.
15. Microwave is much preferred method of
cooking your vegetables.
16. In case you want to store your fruits
or vegetables for a long time, froze them.
mentioned tips will help you preserve vitamin C in your vegetables. This means
you will get much nutrients from your food and as a result, promoting healthy
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