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Broccoli- Origin and Unique Health Benefits

Let’s start first by knowing a little bit of what Broccoli is;

Broccoli is an essential veggie that is used around the world as part of healthy diet-It belongs to the family of cabbage.  Apart from its crunchiness and unique taste (It may be the reason why many people like the vegetable); it is endowed with a lot of health benefits. This cruciferous vegetable is rich in minerals, vitamins and many more nutrients.

What is the History of Broccoli?

It dates s back during the times of ancient Romans, where they grew broccoli from wild cabbage. The name broccoli has its origin from “brachium”- a Latin word which when translated means “Arm” and “Branch”.

The Romans and Greek ate this crunchy and nutritious veggie 2000 years ago. It was not until the 16th century that broccoli appeared in Europe.  In the 20th century, broccoli became dominant with the Italian migrants in the United States. As per now, broccoli has been embraced by many countries all over the world.

Cauliflower  included
PRODUCTION (Millions of Tonnes)
Peoples Republic of China
United States

What are the Benefits of Broccoli?

Cancer Prevention

Broccoli with other cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Collard greens contains properties that prevent different kinds of cancer.  Researchers have indicated that, broccoli has a substance called isothiocyanate which sparks some genetic changes. It also helps to release some genes that fight cancer and suppressing others that fuel cancer.

Inflammation and Allergic Reaction Reduction

Broccoli has significant amount of omega (3) fatty acids which are known as anti-inflammatory agents.  Researchers have also liked the ability of Kaemferol to reduce the effects of the allergy related components in our body.

Lessens Cholesterol

Broccoli is full of soluble fibers that are known to draw cholesterol out of your body. The fiber helps binding with the bile acids easy in the digestive tract. This in effect makes it easy for cholesterol to be excreted.

Improves Bone Health

Broccoli has high amount of Vitamin K and calcium, both of which are very crucial in bone development and bone health.  It has also other nutrients like zinc, phosphorus and magnesium which are all important.

Great Antioxidant

The veggie is loaded with variety of antioxidants that assist the body in a number of ways. It is rich in vitamin C which is a great tool in improving immunity. It has also flavonoids which help recycle vitamin C effectively. Other antioxidants present in Broccoli include: Lutein, carotenoids, lutein, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin.

Helps Diet

Apart from the high fiber content, it is also a good carb, maintains the level of sugar low and prevents constipation. It has also some proteins; this may be helpful for the vegetarians whole somewhat may not be able to attain the required protein level.

Improves Heart Health

The sulforaphane in the broccoli has inflammatory properties which in a way helps prevent some damages caused to blood vessels linings. It contains fibers, vitamin C, fatty acids that help to regulate the blood pressure of the blood, hence maintain the heart in good health.  Cholesterol is also reduced hence improving the heart health.

Skin Care

The presence of the antioxidants and minerals (e.g Zinc and Copper) and nutrients such as vitamin C, helps in maintaining a healthy natural skin. It prevents pathogens from attacking the skin and maintaining the glow of the skin.  The presence of amino acids, folates and vitamin K, makes the skin improve in immunity.


Due to its richness in fiber content, it can help get rid of toxins through the digestive tract. It’s pact with antioxidants that help in detoxification of the body. The detoxification process helps the body get rid of unwanted products.

It is enriched with vitamin C, which has great antioxidant properties responsible for anti-aging.  Antioxidants aid to fight the free radicals which cause aging. Broccoli assists to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and skin problems such as acne.

Great for the Eye

Broccoli contains vitamin A, beta-carotene, phosphorus and other vitamins such as C, E and B complex. They help the eye against degeneration of muscles, cataracts and damage caused by hazardous radiations.
Broccoli is a rich nutritious vegetable that every person should include in their diet. It has quite great health benefits that cannot be ignored.


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